Neem oil - a grower's best friend!
Date: 19 Nov 2017
Most gardeners have not even heard of this oil, and for those who are familiar with its beneficial properties, it is an unchanging helper in the garden.

White vs Silver - Which is the better inside for a groom?
Date: 19 Nov 2017
Which interior lining is best suited for a growbox white or silver tile?

Indoor usage of CO2 in your garden
Date: 21 Feb 2016
Through photosynthesis, the carbon in CO2 is removed and shaped leaves, stems, flowers and fruits. The correct concentration of CO2 since the beginning of growth to fructification allows for faster ripening and larger dobiv.Polzite enrichment with CO2 is that it decreases the time from sowing to harvest, generally accelerate growth and increase yields . Plants also become resistant to certain pests such as fungi.
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