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Neem oil - a grower's best friend!

Neem oil - a grower's best friend!

Neem oil - most growers have not even heard about it, and for those familiar with it, it is a wonderful way to deal with a lot of pests. A small number of growers have seen this extract in their quest to deal with annoying pests. Butter oil is more than an insecticide! This oil originates from the fruits and seeds of the tree Neim (lats Azadirachta Indica). The tree itself blooms in tropical and semi-tropical regions, and although its homeland is India, it is also found in other eastern countries. Extract from this tree has amazing properties - it is a natural repellent for mites, thrips, aphids, white flies, fungi, lion bugs and mining bugs, and so on. etc.



In addition, the extract also controls many fungal diseases such as powdery mildew, rust fungi, and black spots. It is also an antiseptic, controlling many bacterial infections and suppressing the activity of many viruses.



But its beneficial action does not stop there! The oil contains many types of lipids, such as omega-3, omega-6, omega-9, palmitic acid and stearic acid - i.e. except that it treats the plants and nourishes them at the same time. The main active ingredients that give many of its incredible repellent properties, however, are Azadirachtin and Nimbin - their high concentration controls the spread of pests on your plants and acts as insecticide for over 200 types of insects, mainly by suppressing their nutrition and growth.





Note that the oil from us is not a classic contact insecticide that kills anywhere! It mainly affects insects that eat plant tissue (such as the Colorado beetle, caterpillars and so on). As such, the oil is natural and allowed for organic production and is in general harmless to the garden. Tests with 2% solution and weekly spraying were performed and no negative effects on bees, ladybirds and other beneficial insects were reported.


How is it best to use it?


Many manufacturers use the oil as a spray. The oil is not directly soluble in water. To mix with water, an emulsifier should be used. The bio insecticides on the basis of us have one and are convenient to use!



For more useful information, check out our other BLOG articles. The GrowshopMania team wishes you successful cultivation!

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