Home Fertilizers General Organics BioSevia Grow 0.500L

BioSevia Grow 0.500L

Price: L1,281.00lek
  • Code:
  • Weight:
    0.600 Kgs


GENERAL HYDROPONICS BioSevia is an organic growth nutrient special for bioponics.



It is 100% biological fertilizer that contains all the necessary elements for a perfect growing of the plant.


  • It is a complete plant food

  • BioSevia is easy to assimilate by plants
  • It contains fulvic and humic acids which improve soil conditions and increase the absorption capacity of the plant.
  • It brings a sugary and pleasant flavor to your crops
  • It is used in hydroponics



BioSevia is also a « bioponic » nutrient. It gives perfect results in soil, but it exceptionality works in hydroponics too, with bare roots, or on substrates. To be bioponic, a nutrient must be liquid or perfectly soluble. It must be rapidly degradable and readily available to the plant. BioSevia fits to all these conditions.


BioSevia is a fertilizer material used in organic farming. It applies to the European regulation on organic cultivation.

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- Be sure to use Trikologic (BM Trichoderma).


For soil:

- the addition of Trikologic (BM Trichoderma) is recommended

- it is not necessary to adjust the pH level, and yet the optimal values are 5.5-6.2 before adding fertilizers. for hydroponics it is possible for the pH to reach 7.5 without any problems. If it becomes above this value should return to 6, gradually over 5-6 days.

- The values of electrical conductivity are not indicative when using organic fertilizers, target in the EU 0.8-1.0

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