Home Fertilizers General Organics BioSevia Bloom 1L

BioSevia Bloom 1L

Price: L1,807.00lek
  • Code:
  • Weight:
    1.150 Kgs

BioSevia from GHE is a complete and 100% biological fertiliser. Its specific composition and its excellent solubility make it an easily assimilated plant fertiliser. 



BioSevia from GHE is used very effectively in fertirrigation and drip irrigation. It contains necessary humic acids that improve the soil conditions and increase the assimilation capacity of the plants, giving the buds a slightly sweet, very nice flavour.


The usual biological fertilisers are usually formulated to degrade slowly in the ground, and some of its components break down in water, releasing a very unpleasant smell. With the time they will obstruct the injectors and filters.


To be bioponic, a fertiliser must be liquid or perfectly soluble. It mustn’t contain too big particles, and should degrade and remove quickly.


BioSevia from GHE gathers all these criteria.

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- Be sure to use Trikologic (BM Trichoderma).


For soil:

- the addition of Trikologic (BM Trichoderma) is recommended

- it is not necessary to adjust the pH level, and yet the optimal values are 5.5-6.2 before adding fertilizers. for hydroponics it is possible for the pH to reach 7.5 without any problems. If it becomes above this value should return to 6, gradually over 5-6 days.

- The values of electrical conductivity are not indicative when using organic fertilizers, target in the EU 0.8-1.0

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