Home Fertilizers GHE/TA Flora Kleen/Flash Clean 5L

Flora Kleen/Flash Clean 5L

Price: L3,884.00lek
  • Code:
  • Weight:
    6.300 Kgs

Flash Clean is a salt clearing solution that is unique in our industry.



Flash Clean is formulated to remove fertilizer residues that can accumulate over time in hydroponic systems, growing media, and potting soils. It is safe for use in all systems and media while plants are growing. It can also be used between crops to clean the systems from accumulated salts. 

Unlike other products on the market, it is not enzyme based and uses a completely different technology. Flash Clean can be used at any time throughout the plant life.


During cultivation, Flash Clean: Dissolves accumulated mineral salts. Reduces plant stress from excess and imbalanced nutrients. Breaks nutrient bonds that attach fertilizer salts to growing media, also correcting nutrient lock-out. Nourishes the microbial life in the substrate.


Use Flash Clean each time you purge your hydroponic system or potted plants from excess salts that can accumulate as a result of regular fertilizer application.


FloraKleen is also an excellent final flush: Use Flash Clean as a final flush a few days before harvest to terminate maturation and promote sugaring. Also use Flash Clean during the last one to two days before harvest. Its high concentration and low price make Flash Clean the economical choice to protect g your plants in both hydroponics and soil based environment.

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In Hydroponic systems: Between nutrient solution changes: Mix 1,5 to 3 mL per liter of water. Use milder solution for young or fragile plants, stronger solution for older and stronger plants close to harvest. Circulate 24 hours with Flash Clean alone before adding nutrients. Final flush before harvest:


Alone: Drain old nutrient solution and discard. Refill hydroponic reservoir with fresh water and mix 3 mL of Flash Clean per liter water. Run this solution during last day or two before harvest. After Final Part/Ripen*: Add 3 mL of  Flash Clean per liter water during the last 2 days before harvest to increase the sugar level in your crop.


In potting soil & soilless mixes: Alone: Every fifteen days fill a watering can with fresh water and add 1,5 to 3 mL /L Flash Clean. Drench until there is runoff from the bottom of the pot. Resume your regular fertilizer schedule with the next watering. After Ripen/Final Part*: Add 3 mL of Flash Clean per liter water during the last 2 days before harvest to increase the sugar level in your crop.

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