Home Pest control Protect Garden Schimmels 50ml fungicide

Protect Garden Schimmels 50ml fungicide

Price: L50.00lek
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    0.100 Kgs

Concentrate against leaf fungus and diseases - Do your plants suffer from steroid dew or are your roses rusted?



Then this concentrate is ideal. The pesticide works against diseases in ornamental plants and must be repeated 2 to 3 times. After a while you will have a beautiful garden full of flowering plants again!

Protect Garden: the new name of Bayer Garden garden products
The popular Bayer Garden brand has undergone a name change and will continue from 2019 with its garden products as Protect Garden. The same trusted quality, but with a different look.

Easily get rid of leaf diseases

This plant care against leaf diseases and fungi is ideal for taking care of all your garden plants. The spray helps your plants from ster dew, mildew and rose rust and can also be used with box fungi. The product is good for 12.5 liters of liquid. Always read the instructions and the label carefully before use.

How do you use Rosacur as a plant care product?
As soon as you see that your plants are affected, it is advisable to use this product. For this, mix the indicated amount with water in a pressure syringe. You must then repeat the treatment 2 to 3 times with 7 or 14 days in between each time. For fast growing plants where leaf disease is advanced, you must repeat the treatment after 7 days. For slow-growing plants where the disease is not yet very serious, you can repeat the treatment after 14 days. Do not repeat the treatment more than 3 times.



  • Plant care against leaf diseases and fungi
  • Ideal for roses
  • Contains 50 milliliters of product, which is good for 12.5 liters of liquid
  • Active substance: Tebuconazole 45.9 g / l
  • Approval number: 12728 N
  • Keep out of reach of children and pets
  • Not suitable for human and animal consumption
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