Home Pest control A.R.T.S. Root rot (Wortelrot) 250ml

A.R.T.S. Root rot (Wortelrot) 250ml

Price: L5,545.00lek
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  • Weight:
    0.300 Kgs

Organic treatment and control of  Bud Rot, Mildew and Rust in pot plants & Hydroponics


A professional biological product from Liechtenstein from root with the active ingredient Fosphite (elictor). The active substance suppresses soil fungi by its unique mechanism of action. Several studies have also shown that ARTS From root is very effective in preventing and combating soil fungi Pythium and Phytophthora. DOCTOR from root is not phytotoxisch (toxic to the plant).

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Administration and dosage:


By dipping the roots of the young cuttings, the plants will not prevent root rot within the first 6 to 7 weeks may occur (note: if the plants in a form of hydroponics are grown this is not true!). 


Curative: 50 ml root (good for approx 10 m2) in 1 liter of water and spray this liquid over the plants. Then 250 ml Root rot dissolve in the solution and give in one watering (good for ca.60 plants); 


PREVENTIVE: Before planting the young plants as dipping into a solution of 50 ml per liter of water. This gives a better initial growth of the young plants and the plant is protected from root about 6 weeks.

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