Home Pest control NeemAzal 250ml bio insecticide

NeemAzal 250ml bio insecticide

Price: L4,891.00lek
  • Code:
  • Weight:
    0.300 Kgs

Neemazal is the revised version of the famous Ain Grow or Ain.


Unlike other trademarks that work with Neem oil, Neemazal is a pure extract with a high concentration of azaridahyd, in addition to melanitriol, nymph and salanin. The technology used in the manufacture of this insecticide, the extraction technique is performed is clear and does not generate waste in the environment nor leaves unwanted residues in the final product.


The active ingredients of Neemazal induce eating disorders and interfere with the insect hormone cycle, causing malformations in the process of soaking, preventing its normal development.


Neemazal has antifungal properties: it works against the most common pathogenic species, limiting their growth so that Neemazal can prevent future manifestations of disease.




Afidias, white fly, volatile breeds, mites, red spiders, nematodes, skins, thrips, etc. In general, any kind of crop in which plant health problems are represented by phytopathogenic organisms and you want to fight a product without risks to human health and the environment.

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Preventively and when there is a problem:

you need 1.5 ml / l of water to make a spray. 3-day waiting period.


Apply when you perceive the first signs of organisms; larvae are more sensitive than adult pests. Depending on the state of the insect life cycle and the concentration of treatment, insect death will occur between 3 and 14 days after contact with the product.



Pure extract of niam and 100% biodegradable emulsifier. The extract is extracted from the Neem tree (Azadirachta indica).

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