Home Pest control Fungicides Propolix 30 ml - естествен фунгицид от пчелен клей

Propolix 30 ml - естествен фунгицид от пчелен клей

Price: L5,581.00lek
  • Code:
  • Weight:
    0.250 Kgs

Propolis is a product produced by bees; located at the entrance of the hive and used to seal all the cracks and prevent any parasite or disease from accessing the hive. 



Laboratory tests have proved its effectiveness by contrasting its bacteriostatic, bactericide and fungicide properties. 

Propolix from TRABE stimulates the biochemical processes thanks to its vitamin complex, groups B, C and E, which remains intact after its meticulous production process.

Propolix enhances the yield and stimulates the natural defences of the plant against diseases of fungal or bacterial origin. 

Propolix has proved its effectiveness against:


  • Powdery mildew
  • Fusarium
  • Botrytis
  • Alternaria



Composition of Propolix: 

  • Propolis is a top quality 100% organic product.
  • Action of Propolix from TRABE: 
  • It increases the natural defences of the plant and provides greater resistance against external attacks by phytopathogenic organisms.
  • Propolix is a natural tissue regenerator; its application is recommended after trimming the plant.
  • Propolix is a potent fungicide. It is recommended as a preventive treatment for both outdoor and indoor growing.
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A) Applied to foliage: 2-3 ml PROPOLIX® / Litre of water

B) Added to irrigation water: 1-2 ml PROPOLIX® / Litre of water

Repeat the treatment as necessary.

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