Home Fertilizers Guanodiffusion LOMBRICOMPOST 10kg


Price: L3,411.00lek
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  • Weight:
    10.000 Kgs

LOMBRICOMPOST is a supplement for soil that is 100% natural and usable in organic growing, made from 100% of earthworm excrement.



Vermicompost naturally contains enzymes, natural hormones, rhizosphere micro-organisms, bacteria and beneficial fungi that make it a real soil activator. By adding it to your soil, the organic fertilisers are decomposed at an optimal pace. It is a product of exceptional efficiency to both improve the plants rooting, water retention, increased precocity and maturation of fruits, flowers, vegetables. Lombri-compost meets the standards of NF U 44-051.


Instructions for using vermicompost


The vermicompost is a soil enrichment that needs to be mixed with an aerated substrate of fibres or any material that allows optimal oxygenation of the roots. We recommend mixing 20% vermicompost with substrate culture and to then incorporate bat guano to create an "enriched fertilisation." "It is generally believed that vermicompost surpasses compost regarding microbial activity. This subject area owes much to the Ohio University and Dr. Clive Edwards (Subler et al., 1998). In an interview (Edwards, 1999), he asserts that "vermicompost could be 1000 times more active than conventional compost in terms of microbial activity, even if that rate is not always achieved. "

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In the garden: use 1 kg / plant (tomatoes, courgettes, etc.) in combination with an organic fertilizer;

For trees and shrubs: 1-3 pounds at the base of the tree; For flower beds: 250 g / m 2

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