Home Soils & Substrates Vermiculite 100L

Vermiculite 100L

Price: L5,182.00lek
  • Code:
  • Weight:
    8.700 Kgs

Vermiculite is a natural mineral from the group of Hidroslyudite formed in the ground. 



After treatment at a temperature of 1000 C is converted into light foam. It is inert, chemically and biologically stable sterile. Due to the content of trace elements such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron and silicon, vermiculite is a naturally occurring biostimulant for growth of plants.



  • Packaging: 10l and 100l
  • Density: 80-100kg / m3
  • Faction: 5-15mm
  • pH - 7
  • Does not contain asbestos






  • With its high property sorption capacity and air, vermiculite is an excellent regulator of humidity and positively affects the development of roots.
  • In the soil mixture is added to maintain optimum conditions of soil moisture, air capacity and thermal balance, creating favorable conditions for plant nutrition.
  • Due to the porous structure, its granules immediately absorb moisture and nutrients (100 grams absorb about 400ml water) fours attach them to gradually plant.
  • The use of vermiculite as a component to the (40%) in the substrate significantly improves drainage properties of the mixture, to increase the porosity and germination, prevents the sealing and soil compaction, prevents the roots from sudden temperature variations ..
  • It protects the roots from rotting due to excess irrigation at the same time retains moisture while the roots do not absorb.
  • Unlike Agroperlit, retains moisture for longer time.
  • Thanks to the excellent sitoploizolatsionni properties, it creates a favorable environment for storage of bulbs, tubers and rhizomes.
  • He has a high ion-exchange capacity while keeping the positively charged ions of potassium, magnesium and other trace elements imported fertilizers, which otdavapostepenno plants.
  • Significantly improves the structure and aeration of heavy clay soils and water retention capacity of light sandy soils.
  • Thanks to its neutral pH may somewhat reduce the acidity of the soil and slow the process of salinisation.
  • Especially suitable for construction of lawns as protecting them from excessive moisture or too dry.
  • Due to its low thermal conductivity, reduces the risk of frost damage to the root system of perennials.
  • In excess fertilization, vermiculite absorbs micro- and macronutrients, while reducing losses of ammonium and nitrate nitrogen.
  • Norms of use:
  • To increase water retention in peat substrates add 20-40% vermiculite.
  • In the substrates for bonsai to 50%.
  • To build on lawns: to 5l vermiculite per m2.
  • In manure, compost, humus 20%.
  • To improve the soil in the garden around 2-5l m2.
  • When using vermiculite as drainage, place the bottom of the pot about 100-200ml vermiculite for each liter of volume of the pot.
  • Storage of bulbs, seeds and roots, seedlings covered with 2 to 3 cm vermiculite, thus it is protected from sudden temperature fluctuations rot and premature sprouting.
  • Vermiculite is particularly suitable as a medium or additive in substrates for terrariums, incubators and aquariums.
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