Brand Description
One of Europe's biggest selling fans.Extractor is speed controllable using voltage or frequency control.The Swiss-made motor, together with the propeller design enables this type of fan to deliver a strong airflow while making less noise.Equipped with a thermal switch that turns off the motor if it reaches a dangerous working temperature
RK Can Fan 100L / 240m³/h
Price: L10,000.00lek
RK CAN FAN 150L / 760m³/h
Price: L13,674.00lek
Can fan 160 / 810 m3/h with T controler
Price: L26,297.00lek
Can fan RKW 125 / 370 m3/h with Temperature controler
Price: L23,010.00lek
CAN ISO-MAX 315/2380m3
Price: L52,463.00lek
Max - Fan 250 PRO series - 1470/1660 m3
Price: L30,899.00lek
CAN ISO-MAX 315/3260m3
Price: L65,414.00lek
CAN ISO-MAX 250/2310m3
Price: L51,000.00lek
CAN ISO-MAX 250/1480m3
Price: L45,000.00lek
CAN ISO-MAX 200/870m3 - 3 speed
Price: L39,200.00lek
CAN ISO-MAX 160/430m3 - 3 speed
Price: L34,500.00lek
Max - Fan 150 PRO series - 600 m3
Price: L15,712.00lek
RK CAN FAN 160L / 780m³/h
Price: L12,000.00lek
RK Can Fan 125L / 350m³/h
Price: L10,800.00lek
Max - Fan 200 PRO series - 1218 m3
Price: L17,750.00lek
Max - Fan 160 PRO series - 615 m3
Price: L15,712.00lek
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