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Plants can be grown in different environments and systems, but when grown in soil they get their nutrient solution - it also determines the amount the plant will take. The process of suction and transport of root substances to each cell of the plant is carried out thanks to the root pressure, with optimal quantities that can pass through the root.


Avoid underwatering or overwatering using a very simple method - watch at what time, the upper layer of soil in your pots will dry (it becomes loose, not grooved) and let it be a sign of your plant that it is time for polishing. For indoor cultivation this can happen in two / three days, it is advisable to irrigate with clean water once a week.


For example: If the top coat dries out in two days, then you have three pots per week, ie. twice with a solution of fertilizers and once with pure water. The idea of ​​clean water is to remove the soil from the leaves and during cultivation, not just before the harvest, in order to absorb the maximum of the substances and the taste to remain natural. In outdoor cultivation, the pots, especially in the hot months, are more intense. As an example of plant water: 3L per plant (May-June, September-October); 5L per plant (July-August).


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- Use a thermo-hygrometer (temperature and humidity meter) to provide additional guidance when plants need water. You can find such and many other appliances and accessories in our online store or at the listed addresses.
- The openings at the
bottom of the pot ensure that excess water will drain easier.

- Two clamshells (baked clay beads) at the bottom of the pot provide good protection for the plant. This type of drainage allows water to drain easier by protecting roots from decay and the plant from diseases.



For more useful information, check out our other BLOG articles. The GrowshopMania team wishes you successful cultivation!

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