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Carbohydrates or sugars in the cultivation

Carbohydrates or sugars in the cultivation

They are vital compounds for both plants and animals. They perform vital functions so that plants can grow healthily and seamlessly at all stages of their lives and serve as a food source for plant-fed animals.



  • They contribute with energy
  • They are required for the growth of the structural wall of plants, fibrous tissues, branches, stems, leaves, flowers and more.
  • They act as an energy store because when needed.


How can plants absorb, store and synthesize carbohydrates?
Plants are the only living things we know to be able to synthesize carbohydrates from the raw ingredients of carbon dioxide, water and energy produced by photosynthesis.




How Do Carbohydrates Affect Growing?
Sugars or carbohydrates are important during the flowering period to allow plants to create large, dense buds and maximize the production of resins and terpenes.

The levels of carbohydrates that are needed will vary throughout their life cycle and as long as they are needed throughout all stages of their life.




All products that work to improve the absorption of nutrients or that directly promote the production of chlorophyll are very suitable and naturally increase the amount of sugars in plant metabolism.

Below we look at some products that you can find in our online store!




Plagron Sugar Royal is a very powerful organic stimulator that is made up of amino acids. Image result for "plagron sugar royal"Резултат с изображение за „plagron sugar royal“


The combination of ingredients increases the production of chlorophyll and increases the level of sugar in plants.

Some of the amino acids in Plagron Sugar Royal will make your plants react as if

they are dry and they will naturally try to protect themselves in the best way by increasing them

of sugar production. Increasing sugar levels will result in a sweeter-tasting crop

with a much stronger aroma.





Remo's Nature's candy - The unique combination of carbohydrates and amino acids is extremely useful in all stages of Result with an image of Резултат с изображение за „remo's nature's“'remo's nature's' plant development. Numerous carbohydrate varieties help nourish beneficial bacteria and fungi in the root zone, while amino acids help improve nutrient uptake and micro flora levels.









Bud Candy - enhances the taste and aroma of your plant. Striking weight, perfect taste and aroma of the harvest. This is a 100% organic Резултат с изображение за „bud candy“flowering stimulator that provides energy to your plants when they need it most. Whether the bud candy image result is your plants in bloom right now or they are preparing for the flowering phase, this is the time to supply them with this product and look forward to a better aroma, higher yields, and strong plants.









Honey Chome - This rich formula is enriched with three basic macronutrients: nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Plants reach their Honey Chome Резултат с изображение за „honey chome“Result with maximum genetic potential and achieve abundant harvest. Additional N, P and K stimulate plant strength and productivity for vigorous growth and fruition.









For more useful information, check out our other BLOG articles. The GrowshopMania team wishes you successful cultivation!

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