Additive & Supplements
This icon means that this particular product can be added to a plants diet to optimize performance in a specified area such as aroma or bloom.
Karbo Boost 2.3kgr - Carbohydrate Аdditive
Carbohydrate additive that delivers a vital source of food for microbial life in the root zone.
Dissolve 1 oz (30 g) of Karbo Boost into 94.6 litres of water. Use every watering throughout the flowering cycle.
Karbo Boost 1kg - Carbohydrate Аdditive
Carbohydrate additive that delivers a vital source of food for microbial life in the root zone.
Dissolve 1 oz (30 g) of Karbo Boost into 94.6 litres of water. Use every watering throughout the flowering cycle.
Karbo Boost 0.600gr - Carbohydrate Аdditive
Carbohydrate additive that delivers a vital source of food for microbial life in the root zone.
Dissolve 1 oz (30 g) of Karbo Boost into 94.6 litres of water. Use every watering throughout the flowering cycle.
PK Spike 500ml - Flowering Booster
Phosphorus and potassium supplement to support heavy fruiting.
PK Spike is a flowering supplement derived from multiple, highly soluble sources of phosphorous and potassium. This product is designed to encourage budding, help facilitate bulking, and ripening of flowering plants.
N-P-K: 0-14-15
Add at a rate of 0.5 – 1 ml/L to your reservoir or water tank.
Apply from the 2nd week of bloom every 2 weeks until 1 week before flush. Applying PK Spike at the recommended rate will deliver up to a 250 PPM boost to your plants, adjust your nutrient strength accordingly.
- Available Phosphate (P2O5) - 14.0%
- Soluble Potash (K2O) - 15.0%
- Derived from: Monopotassium Phosphate, Potassium Acetate, Potassium Citrate, Potassium Metaphosphate.
PK Spike 100ml - Flowering Booster
Phosphorus and potassium supplement to support heavy fruiting.
PK Spike is a flowering supplement derived from multiple, highly soluble sources of phosphorous and potassium. This product is designed to encourage budding, help facilitate bulking, and ripening of flowering plants.
N-P-K: 0-14-15
Add at a rate of 0.5 – 1 ml/L to your reservoir or water tank.
Apply from the 2nd week of bloom every 2 weeks until 1 week before flush. Applying PK Spike at the recommended rate will deliver up to a 250 PPM boost to your plants, adjust your nutrient strength accordingly.
- Available Phosphate (P2O5) - 14.0%
- Soluble Potash (K2O) - 15.0%
- Derived from: Monopotassium Phosphate, Potassium Acetate, Potassium Citrate, Potassium Metaphosphate.
Plant Guard 1L - Potassium Silicate Supplement
Potassium silicate supplement to build plant defences.
Plant Guard is GreenPlanet potassium silicate supplement used in the vegetative and flowering stages of growth. Silicate increases the rigidity of your plant’s cell walls to support a heavier harvest and increase resistance to environmental stress.
- Add 0.5 ml/L each time you fertilize in conjunction with your regular feeding schedule. Discontinue 2 weeks before harvest.
ATTENTION: Dilute Plant Guard separately before mixing with other nutrients.
Plant Guard 4L - Potassium Silicate Supplement
Potassium silicate supplement to build plant defences.
Plant Guard is GreenPlanet potassium silicate supplement used in the vegetative and flowering stages of growth. Silicate increases the rigidity of your plant’s cell walls to support a heavier harvest and increase resistance to environmental stress.
- Add 0.5 ml/L each time you fertilize in conjunction with your regular feeding schedule. Discontinue 2 weeks before harvest.
ATTENTION: Dilute Plant Guard separately before mixing with other nutrients.
Pro Cal 1L - Calcium and Magnesium Supplement
Pro Cal is an excellent supplemental source of Calcium, Magnesium and Iron. Plants engaged in rapid growth can often come up short on these essential elements so supplementation is a great idea. The savvy grower makes Pro Cal a must-have in their arsenal of plant growing weapons.
- Use at a rate of 1.25 ml/L of water every feeding in conjunction with your standard feeding schedule as needed.
Pro Cal 4L - Calcium and Magnesium Supplement
Pro Cal is an excellent supplemental source of Calcium, Magnesium and Iron. Plants engaged in rapid growth can often come up short on these essential elements so supplementation is a great idea. The savvy grower makes Pro Cal a must-have in their arsenal of plant growing weapons.
- Use at a rate of 1.25 ml/L of water every feeding in conjunction with your standard feeding schedule as needed.
Pro Cal 10L - Calcium and Magnesium Supplement
Pro Cal is an excellent supplemental source of Calcium, Magnesium and Iron. Plants engaged in rapid growth can often come up short on these essential elements so supplementation is a great idea. The savvy grower makes Pro Cal a must-have in their arsenal of plant growing weapons.
- Use at a rate of 1.25 ml/L of water every feeding in conjunction with your standard feeding schedule as needed.
Zyme Capsules 10 Caps - Blend of Enzymes and Biocatalysts
The enzymes in zyme have the ability to degrade and convert dead plant material such as discarded roots and other organic matter into usable and readily available nutrients that keep the plant strong and robust whilst reducing potential pathogens and growth retarding toxins. Zyme Capsules should be an integral component in every garden.
Zyme by GreenPlanet Nutrinets can be used throughout the life of the plant weekly or every second week at a rate of 1 capsule per 40 litres of water. The enzyme in Zyme Capsules can break down organic matter over and over making them very efficient.
If you are reusing your growing substrate then incorporating Zyme is essential for preparing it for your next round of growing.
- Total Nitrogen (N) - 0.15%
- Ammoniacal Nitrogen - 0.14%
- Nitrate Nitrogen - 0.01%
- Available Phosphate (P2O5) - 0.15%
- Soluble Potash (K2O) - 0.14%
- NPK: 0.15-0.15-0.14
Derived from: Ammonium Nitrate, Calcium Nitrate, Monopotassium Phosphate, Monoammonium Phosphate.
Zyme Capsules 25 Caps - Blend of Enzymes and Biocatalysts
The enzymes in zyme have the ability to degrade and convert dead plant material such as discarded roots and other organic matter into usable and readily available nutrients that keep the plant strong and robust whilst reducing potential pathogens and growth retarding toxins. Zyme Capsules should be an integral component in every garden.
Zyme by GreenPlanet Nutrinets can be used throughout the life of the plant weekly or every second week at a rate of 1 capsule per 40 litres of water. The enzyme in Zyme Capsules can break down organic matter over and over making them very efficient.
If you are reusing your growing substrate then incorporating Zyme is essential for preparing it for your next round of growing.
- Total Nitrogen (N) - 0.15%
- Ammoniacal Nitrogen - 0.14%
- Nitrate Nitrogen - 0.01%
- Available Phosphate (P2O5) - 0.15%
- Soluble Potash (K2O) - 0.14%
- NPK: 0.15-0.15-0.14
Derived from: Ammonium Nitrate, Calcium Nitrate, Monopotassium Phosphate, Monoammonium Phosphate.
Zyme Capsules 100 Caps - Blend of Enzymes and Biocatalysts
The enzymes in zyme have the ability to degrade and convert dead plant material such as discarded roots and other organic matter into usable and readily available nutrients that keep the plant strong and robust whilst reducing potential pathogens and growth retarding toxins. Zyme Capsules should be an integral component in every garden.
Zyme by GreenPlanet Nutrinets can be used throughout the life of the plant weekly or every second week at a rate of 1 capsule per 40 litres of water. The enzyme in Zyme Capsules can break down organic matter over and over making them very efficient.
If you are reusing your growing substrate then incorporating Zyme is essential for preparing it for your next round of growing.
- Total Nitrogen (N) - 0.15%
- Ammoniacal Nitrogen - 0.14%
- Nitrate Nitrogen - 0.01%
- Available Phosphate (P2O5) - 0.15%
- Soluble Potash (K2O) - 0.14%
- NPK: 0.15-0.15-0.14
Derived from: Ammonium Nitrate, Calcium Nitrate, Monopotassium Phosphate, Monoammonium Phosphate.
Vitathrive 1L - Vitamin and Mineral Additives
Vitathrive includes vitamin and mineral additives to promote plant health and support essential functions. Vitathrive is a wide range of carefully selected vitamins and minerals designed to reduce plant stress while supporting essential functions.
The latest scientific research has gone into this formulation to make sure that your plants get all of the support they need. Vitathrive is the best anti-stress product in the present tense.
Vitathrive can be used on cuttings, cloning and general health. This is a must-have product!
Apply at a rate of 1-2 ml/L - throughout the entire vegetative phase.
- Soluble Potash (K2O) - 1.0%
- NPK: 0-0-1
Derived from: Potassium Sulfate.
- Vitamin B1 (Thiamine Hydrochloride) - 0.08%
Vitathrive 4L - Vitamin and Mineral Additives
Vitathrive includes vitamin and mineral additives to promote plant health and support essential functions. Vitathrive is a wide range of carefully selected vitamins and minerals designed to reduce plant stress while supporting essential functions.
The latest scientific research has gone into this formulation to make sure that your plants get all of the support they need. Vitathrive is the best anti-stress product in the present tense.
Vitathrive can be used on cuttings, cloning and general health. This is a must-have product!
Apply at a rate of 1-2 ml/L - throughout the entire vegetative phase.
- Soluble Potash (K2O) - 1.0%
- NPK: 0-0-1
Derived from: Potassium Sulfate.
- Vitamin B1 (Thiamine Hydrochloride) - 0.08%
Vitathrive 10L - Vitamin and Mineral Additives
Vitathrive includes vitamin and mineral additives to promote plant health and support essential functions. Vitathrive is a wide range of carefully selected vitamins and minerals designed to reduce plant stress while supporting essential functions.
The latest scientific research has gone into this formulation to make sure that your plants get all of the support they need. Vitathrive is the best anti-stress product in the present tense.
Vitathrive can be used on cuttings, cloning and general health. This is a must-have product!
Apply at a rate of 1-2 ml/L - throughout the entire vegetative phase.
- Soluble Potash (K2O) - 1.0%
- NPK: 0-0-1
Derived from: Potassium Sulfate.
- Vitamin B1 (Thiamine Hydrochloride) - 0.08%
Rezin 1L - Flowering Nutrient Additive
Rezin is an aroma and flavour enhancer. It helps your plants to produce more terpenes resulting in better extractions. Rezin is composed of a combination of Ascorbic, Citric, Gluconic and Lactic Acids created through a complex fermentation process.
Apply 2 ml/L during the last two weeks of the vegetative cycle to prime the plant for bloom.
Continue to apply at 2 ml/L through bloom until harvest.
- Molybdenum (Mo) - 0.0005%
Derived from: Ammonium Molybdate
- Vitamin B1 (Thiamine Hydrochloride) - 0.25%
Rezin 4L - Flowering Nutrient Additive
Rezin is an aroma and flavour enhancer. It helps your plants to produce more terpenes resulting in better extractions. Rezin is composed of a combination of Ascorbic, Citric, Gluconic and Lactic Acids created through a complex fermentation process.
Apply 2 ml/L during the last two weeks of the vegetative cycle to prime the plant for bloom.
Continue to apply at 2 ml/L through bloom until harvest.
- Molybdenum (Mo) - 0.0005%
Derived from: Ammonium Molybdate
- Vitamin B1 (Thiamine Hydrochloride) - 0.25%
Rezin 10L - Flowering Nutrient Additive
Rezin is an aroma and flavour enhancer. It helps your plants to produce more terpenes resulting in better extractions. Rezin is composed of a combination of Ascorbic, Citric, Gluconic and Lactic Acids created through a complex fermentation process.
Apply 2 ml/L during the last two weeks of the vegetative cycle to prime the plant for bloom.
Continue to apply at 2 ml/L through bloom until harvest.
- Molybdenum (Mo) - 0.0005%
Derived from: Ammonium Molybdate
- Vitamin B1 (Thiamine Hydrochloride) - 0.25%
Massive Bloom 1L - Flowering Nutrient Additive
NPK: 1-2-3
Massive Bloom is the worlds best flowering additive that we highly recommended using. An organically derived flowering nutrient enhanced with all the necessary microelements: giving an increase in flower size, taste, health, colour and yield. Growers are raving about how well Massive Bloom formulation works and consequently growers are reporting increases in dry weight of over 30.5%.
- Increases flower size noticeably
- Rapidly increases photosynthesis
- Increases CO2 utilisation
- Growers report increases in dry weight of up and beyond 30.5%
- Increases aromatics Increases essential oils
- Increases chlorophyll content
Massive Bloom 4L - Flowering Nutrient Additive
NPK: 1-2-3
Massive Bloom is the worlds best flowering additive that we highly recommended using. An organically derived flowering nutrient enhanced with all the necessary microelements: giving an increase in flower size, taste, health, colour and yield. Growers are raving about how well Massive Bloom formulation works and consequently growers are reporting increases in dry weight of over 30.5%.
- Increases flower size noticeably
- Rapidly increases photosynthesis
- Increases CO2 utilisation
- Growers report increases in dry weight of up and beyond 30.5%
- Increases aromatics Increases essential oils
- Increases chlorophyll content
Massive Bloom 10L - Flowering Nutrient Additive
NPK: 1-2-3
Massive Bloom is the worlds best flowering additive that we highly recommended using. An organically derived flowering nutrient enhanced with all the necessary microelements: giving an increase in flower size, taste, health, colour and yield. Growers are raving about how well Massive Bloom formulation works and consequently growers are reporting increases in dry weight of over 30.5%.
- Increases flower size noticeably
- Rapidly increases photosynthesis
- Increases CO2 utilisation
- Growers report increases in dry weight of up and beyond 30.5%
- Increases aromatics Increases essential oils
- Increases chlorophyll content
Liquid Weight 1L - Complex Carbohydrate Supplement
Supplies a readily available blend of carbohydrates to support beneficial microbes. Liquid Weight is a supplement blend of simple and complex carbohydrates that support the plant and beneficial microbial life in the root zone. This leads to an increase in the absorption of essential nutrients that help develop impressive aromatic flowers and fruits.
- Sucrose (derived from molasses) - 7.5%
- Dextrose (derived from cane sugar) - 7.5%
- Fructose (derived from agave sugar) - 7.5%
Apply 1 ml/L of water for every watering during the flowering cycle.
Liquid Weight 4L - Complex Carbohydrate Supplement
Supplies a readily available blend of carbohydrates to support beneficial microbes. Liquid Weight is a supplement blend of simple and complex carbohydrates that support the plant and beneficial microbial life in the root zone. This leads to an increase in the absorption of essential nutrients that help develop impressive aromatic flowers and fruits.
- Sucrose (derived from molasses) - 7.5%
- Dextrose (derived from cane sugar) - 7.5%
- Fructose (derived from agave sugar) - 7.5%
Apply 1 ml/L of water for every watering during the flowering cycle.
Liquid Weight 10L - Complex Carbohydrate Supplement
Supplies a readily available blend of carbohydrates to support beneficial microbes. Liquid Weight is a supplement blend of simple and complex carbohydrates that support the plant and beneficial microbial life in the root zone. This leads to an increase in the absorption of essential nutrients that help develop impressive aromatic flowers and fruits.
- Sucrose (derived from molasses) - 7.5%
- Dextrose (derived from cane sugar) - 7.5%
- Fructose (derived from agave sugar) - 7.5%
Apply 1 ml/L of water for every watering during the flowering cycle.
Ocean Magic 1L - Natural Kelp Additive
NPK: 0-0-5
Ocean Magic is a natural kelp additive for vigorous vegetative growth.
Shake well before use it.
- For direct root feeding: Dilute 0.5 ml/L of water and soak the growing medium thoroughly.
- For foliar feeding: Use 5 ml/L of water. Start spraying plants in weeks 2 to 4 of the grow stage and then once weekly for the next 2 to 3 weeks.
Spray on dry leaves when no rain is expected.
Bud Booster 500gr - Bloom Stimulator
NPK: 1-50-30
Bud Booster is a unique bloom enricher from GreenPlanet Nutrients which, because of its high level of phosphorus, helps promote blooming and assists in the plants' metabolism during the middle of the flowering phase. Bud Booster simply put is a flower enhancer generally used by entry-level gardeners to achieve a larger heavier crop.
This extremely environmentally friendly product will increase the size and density of flowers using powdered phosphorous and potassium. The potassium helps improve the quality of your flowers/fruits and helps with the plants starch production. Contains no dye’s or harmful ingredients.
Use Bud Booster at a rate of 6g/20L when buds are forming and continue with every fertiliser
application during the blooming cycle. Stop using it in the last week of flowering.
(1g = 3.78 Liters)
Bud Booster 1kg - Bloom Stimulator
NPK: 1-50-30
Bud Booster is a unique bloom enricher from GreenPlanet Nutrients which, because of its high level of phosphorus, helps promote blooming and assists in the plants' metabolism during the middle of the flowering phase. Bud Booster simply put is a flower enhancer generally used by entry-level gardeners to achieve a larger heavier crop.
This extremely environmentally friendly product will increase the size and density of flowers using powdered phosphorous and potassium. The potassium helps improve the quality of your flowers/fruits and helps with the plants starch production. Contains no dye’s or harmful ingredients.
Use Bud Booster at a rate of 6g/20L when buds are forming and continue with every fertiliser
application during the blooming cycle. Stop using it in the last week of flowering.
(1g = 3.78 Liters)
Bud Booster 2.5kg - Bloom Stimulator
NPK: 1-50-30
Bud Booster is a unique bloom enricher from GreenPlanet Nutrients which, because of its high level of phosphorus, helps promote blooming and assists in the plants' metabolism during the middle of the flowering phase. Bud Booster simply put is a flower enhancer generally used by entry-level gardeners to achieve a larger heavier crop.
This extremely environmentally friendly product will increase the size and density of flowers using powdered phosphorous and potassium. The potassium helps improve the quality of your flowers/fruits and helps with the plants starch production. Contains no dye’s or harmful ingredients.
Use Bud Booster at a rate of 6g/20L when buds are forming and continue with every fertiliser
application during the blooming cycle. Stop using it in the last week of flowering.
(1g = 3.78 Liters)
Bud Booster 5kg - Bloom Stimulator
NPK: 1-50-30
Bud Booster is a unique bloom enricher from GreenPlanet Nutrients which, because of its high level of phosphorus, helps promote blooming and assists in the plants' metabolism during the middle of the flowering phase. Bud Booster simply put is a flower enhancer generally used by entry-level gardeners to achieve a larger heavier crop.
This extremely environmentally friendly product will increase the size and density of flowers using powdered phosphorous and potassium. The potassium helps improve the quality of your flowers/fruits and helps with the plants starch production. Contains no dye’s or harmful ingredients.
Use Bud Booster at a rate of 6g/20L when buds are forming and continue with every fertiliser
application during the blooming cycle. Stop using it in the last week of flowering.
(1g = 3.78 Liters)
Bud Booster 10kg - Bloom Stimulator
NPK: 1-50-30
Bud Booster is a unique bloom enricher from GreenPlanet Nutrients which, because of its high level of phosphorus, helps promote blooming and assists in the plants' metabolism during the middle of the flowering phase. Bud Booster simply put is a flower enhancer generally used by entry-level gardeners to achieve a larger heavier crop.
This extremely environmentally friendly product will increase the size and density of flowers using powdered phosphorous and potassium. The potassium helps improve the quality of your flowers/fruits and helps with the plants starch production. Contains no dye’s or harmful ingredients.
Use Bud Booster at a rate of 6g/20L when buds are forming and continue with every fertiliser
application during the blooming cycle. Stop using it in the last week of flowering.
(1g = 3.78 Liters)
Dense Bud Compactor 2.5kg - Bloom Booster with Potassium
NPK: 0-0-62
Dense Bud Compactor is a blooming additive with a specially formulated blend of potassium, which can be used separately from your regular feeding program. It is designed to maximize mass and bulk flowers during the bloom phase.
- Use 1-2 grams per litre of water once per week
- Use in the last 3 weeks of flowering, allowing at least one week of flush
- Soil-less or Coco fibre 1-2 grams per litre
- Hydroponic use 1 gram per litre
Dense Bud Compactor 1kg - Bloom Booster with Potassium
NPK: 0-0-62
Dense Bud Compactor is a blooming additive with a specially formulated blend of potassium, which can be used separately from your regular feeding program. It is designed to maximize mass and bulk flowers during the bloom phase.
- Use 1-2 grams per litre of water once per week
- Use in the last 3 weeks of flowering, allowing at least one week of flush
- Soil-less or Coco fibre 1-2 grams per litre
- Hydroponic use 1 gram per litre
Dense Bud Compactor 500gr - Bloom Booster with Potassium
NPK: 0-0-62
Dense Bud Compactor is a blooming additive with a specially formulated blend of potassium, which can be used separately from your regular feeding program. It is designed to maximize mass and bulk flowers during the bloom phase.
- Use 1-2 grams per litre of water once per week
- Use in the last 3 weeks of flowering, allowing at least one week of flush
- Soil-less or Coco fibre 1-2 grams per litre
- Hydroponic use 1 gram per litre