Gold Label Special Mix 50L
Special Mix is a complete mix ready for use. Because of its unique structure, Special Mix, can be used in 30% drainage system or without any drainage at all.
In a system without draining almost nutrients for an entire crop are already there.
Special Mix is made using Swedish virgin white peat of the highest quality: One gram of Special Mix can absorb a stunning ten grams of water. The peat is cut into a coarse structure and mixed with only the highest quality Perlite, Swedish clay, lime, minerals, trace elements and organic fertilizer.With this soil there is no need to add nutrients the first 4-6 weeks, depending on the pot size. The soil is premixed with vermeculite and perlitе.
рН: 6.1
EC: 30 mS/m
NPK: 12/14/24
Plagron Royal Mix 50L
Plagron Royalmix is a mix of the fi nest, carefully selected types of peat.
EC: 1.8 - 2.2
pH: 5.8 - 6.2
NPK: 1-2-1
- Rinse with water before use in order to wash out the immediately absorbable nutrients;
- Extra nutrition is needed after approximately 6 weeks, depending on the condition of the plant;
BIOCANNA Bio Terra Plus 50L
Canna Bio Terra Plus's blend of substrates has been fully certified to ensure that it meets international organic standards.
It's the perfect soil mix for users who want to grow as naturally as possible, producing fruits with a truly succulent flavour. It also creates superb drainage, helping to oxygenate the root-zone, pushing yields as far as possible.
CANNA Research has created a certified biological soil compliant with international biological soil standards . Bio Terra Plus is comprised of 100% natural substances and, therefore, can also be used in organic farming. Bio Terra Plus consists of top quality peat, including superior blond peat. The porous structure of this is enhanced with pieces of bark, which provide a natural anti-mold effect. Bio Terra Plus contains a premix of certified organic ingredients such as bone meal, bat guano and various trace elements from natural sources.
EC: 1.0
pH 5.8
NPK: 6-3-4: 4kg/m3
CANNA Terra Professional Plus 50L
CANNA Terra Professional Plus formula was developed to fulfill the desire of creating the purest soil mix possible and to obtain the best effects with CANNA TERRA nutrients.
EC: ±1.3
pH: ±5.8
NPK: 12-14-24
BioBizz All-Mix 50L
Bio-Bizz All-Mix is unlike anything you would find in a garden centre.
EC: 1.2 - 2.4
PH: 6.6
NPK: 4-8-6