Acaricides are chemical or biological compounds with specific action on the harmful mites that suck the juices of the plants - red and white mite.
HotBox sulfume - fungi and insects killer
Hotbox Sulfur burner / evaporator. Protects crops from fungal diseases. Also hinders the spread of pests in the greenhouse.
Usable at Meeldauw, Spint & Trips. No overheating, no damaging oxides, only sprays pure sulfur
Regulated element makes combustion impossible, no fire hazard Sprayer with the lowest power consumption on the market
Works with any power source from 110V to 250V, without loss of power
Sulfur in the breeding bag prevents damage to the crop by mildew and peach scrub or starry dew. This also prevents the spread of other fungal diseases because fungal spores do not spread in the sulfur atmosphere.
Other harmful parasites in the growth bag, such as spiders or trips, can be combated by sulfur evaporation.
When using a uniformly shaped tray that is accurately placed in the center of the Sulfume cylinder, distribution is provided by the natural draw. One Sulfume can treat 100m² of crop.
The standard aluminum lid is intended for sulfur. Due to the special design of the tray, the performance can not be guaranteed when using non-standard containers. The self-regulating heating plate is made of quality aluminum. This ensures long life, without risk of fracture due to rough use, condensation or spillage of sulfur.
A.R.T.S Spired
Anti Red Spider Mite (Spired) from A.R.T.S. is a biological solution for Red Spider Mite or Two-Spotted Spider Mite (Tetranychus urticae).
Spider Killer 60ml
Spider Killer is a potent organic insecticide based on pure extract of cinnamon, specific use to combat spider mite, is also very effective against Trips, Nemátidos, mealybugs and aphids.
COMPOSITION: Pure Extract of Cinnamon (Cinnamomumzeylanicum).
Of its active principles include Eugenol, Cinnamic Aldehyde and Canel HC.
EFFECTIVE AGAINST: Red Spider, Thrips, nematodes, Mealybug, Aphids ...
FOLIAR APPLICATION: 0.5 to 1 ml. x 1 liter of water. If applied in combination with conventional plant protection products, use the lowest dose and perform a test before application.
Spider Killer 15ml
Spider Killer is a potent organic insecticide based on pure extract of cinnamon, specific use to combat spider mite, is also very effective against Trips, Nemátidos, mealybugs and aphids.
COMPOSITION: Pure Extract of Cinnamon (Cinnamomumzeylanicum).
Of its active principles include Eugenol, Cinnamic Aldehyde and Canel HC.
EFFECTIVE AGAINST: Red Spider, Thrips, nematodes, Mealybug, Aphids ...
FOLIAR APPLICATION: 0.5 to 1 ml. x 1 liter of water. If applied in combination with conventional plant protection products, use the lowest dose and perform a test before application.
Mighty wash 1L against spider mites
Mighty kills all stages of mites, including eggs!
Mighty can be used indoors, outdoors or in greenhouses. It acts instantly and kills at the moment. For best results, spraying a lot on the whole plant, at the first sign of pests.
The purest spider mite solution. "Mighty Wash" is a new revolutionary way to solve the problems associated with mites:
- Mighty Wash is a ready-to-use spray with a patented formula.
- It can be used throughout the cycle of growth and flowering.
- Mighty Wash is a new revolutionary way to solve the problem of spider mites in all stages of development from eggs to adults.
- Mighty Wash is an effective solution for mosquito problems.
Spider plant 60ml
Spider Plant Agrobacteria is an insecticide for mites, rich in free amino acids completely natural composition.
It is an environmentally friendly product and designed specifically for use in organic agriculture. Spider plant can be used as a treatment and preventive measure, but always be careful with the frequency of administration, especially when there is an identified problem caused by pests. If there is an already established infection, too often the use of the product may lead to resistance in adult mites and need to purchase another product to combat them.
If you want to use Spider plant as a preventive measure applied during the vegetative phase. In addition to its typical insecticidal properties, it stimulates the metabolism of plants in the vegetative phase and helps them to recover quickly after the attack of pests. This product, besides being an insecticide, and a stimulator of biological processes in plant strengthening, making them more resistant to pests.
The stronger is the immune system of a plant, the easier it is recovered. Spider plant is ideal for combating red mite and recovery plant after clearing it. Red mite causes much damage as it spreads very quickly - this needs very careful monitoring during treatment.
Spider plant 15ml
Spider Plant Agrobacteria is an insecticide for mites, rich in free amino acids completely natural composition.
It is an environmentally friendly product and designed specifically for use in organic agriculture. Spider plant can be used as a treatment and preventive measure, but always be careful with the frequency of administration, especially when there is an identified problem caused by pests. If there is an already established infection, too often the use of the product may lead to resistance in adult mites and need to purchase another product to combat them.
If you want to use Spider plant as a preventive measure applied during the vegetative phase. In addition to its typical insecticidal properties, it stimulates the metabolism of plants in the vegetative phase and helps them to recover quickly after the attack of pests. This product, besides being an insecticide, and a stimulator of biological processes in plant strengthening, making them more resistant to pests.
The stronger is the immune system of a plant, the easier it is recovered. Spider plant is ideal for combating red mite and recovery plant after clearing it. Red mite causes much damage as it spreads very quickly - this needs very careful monitoring during treatment.
Neudorff Acaricide Spruzit 500ml
Spruzit® Insecticide – Antimite by Neudorff is a 100% natural insecticide that’s applied to the leaves of your plants, used to combat any type of insect infestation during the entire process.
It hardly affects the plants, so if you use this product your harvest will not be affected, and you won’t even notice that it has been used.
It was released on to the market back in 1861 and from then until now, it has kept true to its original recipe and composition, which is based on pyrethrin extract and rapeseed oil. The pyrethrin in its composition is obtained from Chrysanthemum Cinerariaefolium extractions, grown in the Kenyan highlands. The oils obtained from rapeseed crops and mixed with the pyrethrin, intensifying the insecticidal power of the end product greatly, making Spruzit one of the best natural insecticides in history.
Once insects breathe pyrethrin in, it will begin killing their nervous system, resulting in a fast and painless death. The rapeseed oil intensifies the effect that pyrethrin has, which is why this particular insecticide is so fast.
Also, this product is 100% organic, and even has an Organic Agriculture certificate from Sohiscert. It biodegrades rapidly under the sun, meaning that no toxic residues are left behind, and insects can’t ever become immune to it.
Neudorff Acaricide Spruzit 500ml
Spruzit® Insecticide – Antimite by Neudorff is a 100% natural insecticide that’s applied to the leaves of your plants, used to combat any type of insect infestation during the entire process.
It hardly affects the plants, so if you use this product your harvest will not be affected, and you won’t even notice that it has been used.
It was released on to the market back in 1861 and from then until now, it has kept true to its original recipe and composition, which is based on pyrethrin extract and rapeseed oil. The pyrethrin in its composition is obtained from Chrysanthemum Cinerariaefolium extractions, grown in the Kenyan highlands.
The oils obtained from rapeseed crops and mixed with the pyrethrin, intensifying the insecticidal power of the end product greatly, making Spruzit one of the best natural insecticides in history.
Once insects breathe pyrethrin in, it will begin killing their nervous system, resulting in a fast and painless death. The rapeseed oil intensifies the effect that pyrethrin has, which is why this particular insecticide is so fast.
Also, this product is 100% organic, and even has an Organic Agriculture certificate from Sohiscert. It biodegrades rapidly under the sun, meaning that no toxic residues are left behind, and insects can’t ever become immune to it.
Neudorff Spruzit 250ml
Spray insecticide with broad spectrum activity against sucking insects on ornamental plants, applicable in all environments - offices, patios, greenhouses and even outdoors on fruit and vegetables in the open space.
The combination of natural pyrethrum with rapeseed oil (18.36 g / l natural pyrethrum, 825.3 g / l rape seed oil) ensures that not only the adults, but also their eggs are reliably removed!
It is not toxic to bees! Spray thoroughly at the first symptoms of infection with a solution of 1 to 2%.
against aphids, mites, whiteflies, thrips, aphids, scale insects, aphids, grasshoppers, caterpillars, beetles, larvae and others.
Spidermite Control 300ml Concentrate - 100% Natural
Spidermite Control 300 ml. Concentrate has been especially developed to kill spider mites. Used as directed, SMC will kill spider mites and their eggs. Spidermite Control is pesticide free, 100% natural and completely safe.
- Pesticide free, completely natural and safe.
- Controls spider mites, greenfly, blackfly, whitefly and thunder flies
- Fast-acting
- Tested, used and recommended by professionals
- Safe to beneficial insects
Specially blended plant extracts Formula Plus; TEOA.
**Physical mode of action**
Spidermite Control 100ml - Kundër Insekteve dhe Marimangave
Kontrolli i Spidermite & nbsp; një koncentrat i krijuar posaçërisht për të vrarë merimangat. Përdorni & nbsp; sipas udhëzimeve, Spidermite Control do të vrasë merimangat dhe vezët e tyre. Spidermite Control është pa pesticide, 100% natyral dhe plotësisht i sigurt.
- Pa pesticide, krejtësisht natyrale dhe e sigurt.
- Vret & nbsp; merimangat, mizat e gjelbra, mizat e zeza, mizat e bardha dhe insektet e vogla të zeza.
- Veprim i shpejtë.
- Testuar, përdorur dhe rekomanduar nga profesionistë.
& nbsp;
- Ekstrakte bimore të përziera posaçërisht - Formula Plus - & nbsp; TEOA.
- 94% vaj rapese
- 1% vaj koriandër
- 5% trietanolaminë