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Water purifying systems

GrowMax Water - activated carbon filters and reverse osmosis systems

четири сини системи за обратна осмоза


GrowMax 10" Replacement Filter Pack

Set of sediment filter and charcoal filter.



Suitable for systems:


  • Eco Grow 240 L / h
  • Power Grow 20L / h
  • Mega Grow 40 L / h
  • MAXQUARIUM 000 PPM 20L / hr
Price: L3,279.00lek

Water Master 100L/day 2 step

Ecos osmosis filter consists of 2 stages of filtration: sediments and osmosis membrane.




The 2 stages of filtration reduce the amount of impurities and minerals dissolved in the water, significantly decreasing its electroconductivity.



Works with:

- Temperature of the water 1 °  to 30 ° C.

- Pressure: 6-8 bar system 

- Membrane quality: TFM Poliamida - Polisolfona

- Retention of salts: 98% - 99%

- Water values in output - 10-40 microsiemens

Price: L0.00lek

System with two filters -PRO GROW 2000L

RO GROW systems come with quick hose connection - already curled system; and can also be connected to the water supply connection 3/4 ".



All systems are 5μm sediment prefilter and activated carbon filter.



  • Life charcoal filter - 56 000L
  • Life prefilter - 8000L or until clogged.
  • For more information on changing filters, see here
  • Pre-filter for sediment and carbon filter are durable depending on the water quality. CoE recommended to be changed together.
  • Replacement filters and membranes.Suitable for domestic use!
  • All systems are swarming with one guarantee.
Price: L56,214.00lek

System with two filters SUPER GROW 800L / h

SUPER GROW systems come with quick hose connection - already curled System; and can also be connected to the water supply connection 3/4 ".



All systems are 5μm sediment prefilter and activated carbon filter.


  • Life charcoal filter - 28 500L
  • Life prefilter - 8000L or until clogged.
  • For more information on changing filters, see here
  • Pre-filter for sediment and carbon filter are durable depending on the water quality. CoE recommended to be changed together.
  • Replacement filters and membranes/  charcoal filter - 50lv.  prefilter - 114lv/ 
Price: L36,490.00lek


System with two filters GARDEN GROW 480L/h



  • GARDEN GROW systems come with a fast connection hose and connectors for easy connection at home.
  • All systems are 5μm sediment prefiter and activated carbon filter .
  • Life charcoal filter - 28 000L or 4-6 months
  • Life prefilter - 16 000L or until the clog.
  • For more information on changing filters , see here .
  • Pre-filter for sediment and carbon filter are durable depending on the water quality.
  • CoE recommended to be changed together.


Price: L25,444.00lek

ECO GROW 240L/h System with two filters

System with two filters ECO GROW come with a fast connection hose and connectors for easy connection at home.

  • All systems are 5μm sediment prefilter and activated carbon filter.
  • Life charcoal filter - 12 000L or 4-6 months .Life prefilter - 8000L or until clogged.
  • For more information on changing filters, see here
  • Pre-filter for sediment and carbon filter are durable depending on the water quality.
  • CoE recommended to be changed together.
  • Replacement filters and membranes.
  • All systems are swarming with 1 warranty 
Price: L13,500.00lek


MACQUARIUM PPM system 000 includes ionisation filter that removes remaining after the reverse osmosis dissolved salts.



  • Systems require good inlet pressure.System for reverse osmosis systems require good inlet pressure.
  • Designed for a relation of the ejected to the purified water of 2: 1.
  • When water is cheaper than their own source to extend the life of the membrane can be changed limiter flow (flow restrictor) with such a larger flow - thus discarding more water but will keep the membrane.
  • Works with: - Temperature of the water to 30 ° C. -
  • Pressure: 3-6 bar system consists of a pre-filter, charcoal filter and membrane.
Price: L41,092.00lek

MEGA GROW 1000 - 40L/h

System for reverse osmosis systems require good inlet pressure.



Designed for a relation of the ejected to the purified water of 2: 1.

When water is cheaper than their own source to extend the life of the membrane can be changed limiter flow (flow restrictor) with such a larger flow - thus discarding more water but will keep the membrane. Works with: - Temperature of the water to 30 ° C. - Pressure: 3-6 bar system consists of a pre-filter, charcoal filter and membrane.



Price: L51,999.00lek

POWER GROW 500 - 20L/h

System for reverse osmosis systems require good inlet pressure.




Designed for a relation of the ejected to the purified water of 2: 1. When water is cheaper than their own source to extend the life of the membrane can be changed limiter flow (flow restrictor) with such a larger flow - thus discarding more water but will keep the membrane.




Works with:

- Temperature of the water to 30 ° C.

- Pressure: 3-6 bar system consists of a pre-filter, charcoal filter and membrane.

Price: L36,556.00lek

MEGA GROW 3000 - 125L/h

System for reverse osmosis systems require good inlet pressure.



Designed for a relation of the ejected to the purified water of 2: 1. When water is cheaper than their own source to extend the life of the membrane can be changed limiter flow (flow restrictor) with such a larger flow - thus discarding more water but will keep the membrane.




Works with:


- Temperature of the water to 30 ° C.

- Pressure: 3-6 bar system consists of a pre-filter, charcoal filter and membrane.

Price: L163,713.00lek

POWER GROW 500 - 20L/h

The Valuetrex 150 GPD TFC-DRY Reverse Osmosis Membrane is a 150 gallon per day membrane.



The Valuetrex 150 GPD TFC-DRY membrane element is supplied in dry condition for increased shelf life. The thin film of the Valuetrex VX-TW30-150D 150 GPD TFC Dry Membrane sheet was made in the USA. The Valuetrex VX-TW30-150D 150 GPD TFC Dry Membrane is manufactured by a fully automatic machine for quality assurance.



  • Membrane Type: Polyamide Thin-Film Composite
  • Dimensions: 11.75" L x 1.8" W
  • Maximum Operating Temperature: 113 F (45 C)
  • Maximum Operating Pressure: 125 psi (8.6 bar)
  • Maximum Feed Flow Rate: 2.0 gpm (7.6 lpm)
  • Ph Range, Continuous Operation: 3.0 - 10
  • Maximum Feed Silt Density Index: 5.0
  • Free Chlorine Tolerance: 0.1 ppm
  • Average NaCl Rejection (%) : 96%
  • Permeate Flow* gpd @ 80 psi: 150 gpd
  • Filter Life: 60 months



*Permeate flow and salt rejection based on the following test conditions : 250 ppm softened tap water, 77 F(25 C), 15% recovery at 80 psi. Permeate flows for individual elements may vary +/-20%.


Note: Under certain conditions, the presence of free chlorine and other oxidizing agents will cause premature membrane failure.

Price: L7,740.00lek

Picobello reverse osmosis system

The Picobello is a reverse osmosis system with a hose and a tap connector 3/4 inches at an affordable price. 


The Picobello features:


- Sediment filter - for removing dirt, rust, sand .....
- Activated carbon filter - Reduces chlorine and organic impurities, neutralizes odor and taste impairment
- Reverse osmosis module - semi-permeable thin-film-membrane that filters bacteria even more than 99% - Quality made in USA
- Built-in pressure valve ( instead of an extern flushing valve)


Price: L11,325.00lek
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